Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are the classes online or in-person ?
We offer all modes of instruction -
In-person classes at our studio locations
Online classes
Group classes
Arangetram training

2. Are trial classes offered for Beginner students ?
All forms of performing arts require many years of dedication, perseverance, hard work & commitment.
Such art forms can never be judged over a singular trial class. Merely 1 session can never help gauge the true importance of any beautiful art form.
No, we don't offer trial classes for Bharatanatyam training for any prospective student. However, we do encourage Beginner students (who are learning for the first time) to try learning the art form for atleast 8 weeks to understand the routine & required level of discipline.
Absolutely. All previously-trained students (over a year or more) are evaluated individually by the Teacher to decide which learning level the student should be placed under.
All such students need to first acquaint themselves with the fundamental lessons of our school.
Please get in touch with the Teacher for more details.
3. I have previous training in Bharatanatyam. Can I join the school ?

4. At what age can one start learning Bharatanatyam ?
Each child is different. While some children show interest as early as 4 or 5 years, others begin learning after completion of 6 years enabling the child to follow the class better.
In our school, we accept new admissions for kids ages - 6 years and above.
Adults can start at anytime. It is never too late to start. :)
5. Do you offer exams or certifications ?
Yes, we do.
Every 12 to 18 months, based on the student's progress & Teacher's evaluation, students will appear for end-of-level evaluations. This also depends on the practice effectiveness & dedication of the student.
Evaluations are invigilated by the - Founder-Director of Soundarya Natya Kalalaya Foundation - Guru Smt. Padmini Radhakrishnan (Mumbai). Both theory & practicals aspects are evaluated.
A Certificate of Achievement is handed to the student on the successful completion of the level.

6. Do you offer external affiliated certifications ?
For students who have learnt Bharatanatyam for over 5 years & have successfully completed 3 SNK evaluations, we do offer the "International Certification of Dance Studies" from International Dance Council, Paris (CID-UNESCO). Please get in touch with the Teacher for more details.
You can also check here -
7. How quickly can I finish learning this course ?
Do you offer short-term courses ?
How soon can I do my Arangetram ?
Learning is a way of life for us at SNK.
We don't offer short term courses. There are no promises to complete any of our milestones faster than possible.
The answer lies in one's passion, dedication & thirst for this knowledge.
We believe in educating our students holistically and consider milestones based on the progress of each individual student.

8. When can my child perform on stage ?
There is no specific timeline. The student needs to continue to work through the Beginner levels (L1 & L2) until then.
Any kind of performance opportunity be it for the school Annual Day, our class Vijayadasmi or even a virtual presentation is treated the same. It requires hard work and dedication from the student and parent's ends to reach that point.
Consistently working on one's art, improving on corrections & being patient are the key factors.
9. Does completion of Arangetram mean my child has finished learning Bharatanatyam ?
No, Arangetram does not mean one has completed learning Bharatanatyam.
Arangetram is merely a milestone which is important for a dancer to mark her journey in terms of her learning to perform a full-length repertoire (also known as Margam in Bharatanatyam) before art lovers or a select audience.
It does not (in anyway) certify that the student has completed learning all the necessary aspects of this art form. In many ways - Arangetram is just the beginning for a passionate dancer to continue her education.